Saturday, August 20, 2011

To tell a tale

If anyone is in the position of having to tell people awful news that they were not know. It is the hardest thing you ever feel you have to do. Telling our parents felt like ripping out our hearts. Telling friends wasn't any better. After the telling continued you would think it would get easier, but it does not.

While they are only three little words, they are the hardest to say. I have cancer.

What was even worse is that most people had no clue I had even found a lump.

Lesson learned: Secrets get you no where

During this tell-all period I had many breakdowns trying to wrap my head around the next step. I searched on line for answers but didn't find any that matched what I was going through. I figured after my last google "misunderstanding" I should stay away from the googles.

I also had a hard time coming to terms with what to call what I had. I didn't like the word sick as I have more than a cold. I didn't like the word illness as I think it is a negative word sounding death like. Disease sounds like someone else can catch it. Tumors make me think of Arnold Schwarzenegger. So I guess I have to stick with the actual word of Cancer.

Both of my parents have had cancer <different kind than me> and they both told me face to face.  I realize now how much courage that took. It is not bravery as you have no choice but to walk the road but it is courage of strength and will that gets you to the intersection.

I am most thankful for the love and support of family and friends as well as from the people I barely know. It is with courage that I walk this path but I am thankful to have an endless sea of people helping me stand tall.

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