Thursday, March 29, 2012

Doin` the jig

So...yesterday should have been the final hurrah but due to a broken down machine, I have been extended by one day. I realize it is only one day -which I did try to get out of- but mentally that one extra day was draining. I had set my sights on being done on a particular day and when that day came and went it was hard to swallow. But today is the day and if the machine breaks down today it better be really broken, else I may have a baseball bat in hand to make sure it doesn`t come back up. I am done and mentally checked out from this whole cancer thing.

My skin is also crying  ``uncle`` as it is peeling, weeping and not so pretty looking. I have flamazine to put on it has gone past the top layers of skin. You know it looks bad when the doctor shrinks back going ohhh.

My husband and I have decided that after I am finished this last treatment that we will end this ordeal the same way we started. Having dinner at a really nice restaurant. Only this time I will have a drink and no tears. Only big happy smiles and maybe a jig. Cheers!


  1. Hope dinner was great and you had a drink or two!
    Those _____ machines sure can put a dent in your plans.
    Onward and upward...
    Hershey's mom

  2. My radiation was 40 minutes late, but who cares now as I got in and it is all done...We had a wonderful dinner and I am looking forward to not having to say the word cancer ever again. Onward and upward
