Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Beware of the Elephant

Some days I wake up perky as can be. Ready to take on the world to the point where someone needs to hit me with a bat. Then there are those other days. Where opening your eyes seems to be as much energy as you want to muster up and then the day just keeps rolling along from there.

My mother calls it "the day when an elephant is on your head". Today I feel like he is on my head and threatening to fart.  Trying to be productive at work is not happening (exhibit A, as I sit here writing this) and everyone around me seems to have the winter blahs as well. There is not enough caffeine in the building to make this day move faster.

Today would be a good day to curl up in a blanket on the couch with my book and doze in and out of sleep. I look at the clock and I still have 2.5 hours to go until I can sluggishly make my way to the car, drive home, walk through the door and crawl under my sheets and hope that tomorrow that darn elephant will have found his way back home.

How many more weeks until Spring?

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