Saturday, December 24, 2011

Who's the boss of you

Ok so I was all cocky thinking these first rounds were no big deal. Then chemo stuck me in the ass and made me realize whose boss in all of this ...and it is not me. After my third round the vein they had been using for the three rounds decided to become irritated. It all of a sudden got hard and felt like a "tree root". I couldn't straighten my arm or carry any weight in it. I could feel the vein from the point of where the injected me all the way to my armpit and it HURT to touch it. I called the cancer centre and they said this is common and to apply heat on a regular basis, take Tylenol <checking temp first> for 48 to 72 hrs. Well this was a bit difficult to do as we were on the road visiting family, but I did get a hold of a hot water bottle and attempt this as often as possible.

And to top it off the Saturday before my last chemo I did not follow my own chemo rules by keeping up with my snacking every two hours and staying away from grocery stores on the busiest day. I got a bit run down and a cold found its way into my system. So here I am visiting family with a constant running nose, a cough that sounded like I had emphysema and should be taken to emergency. Fun times.

Normally a cold for me takes about 3-5 days to get over but 4 weeks later I still have the occasional cough and the running nose took almost 3 weeks to go away. As for the vein, I can still feel it but at least I can only feel it in my lower arm portion as opposed to from my wrist to my armpit. I still put the occasional hot water bottle on it..but it just goes to show that I am not the boss of me! Who knew? Apparently everyone but

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