Monday, September 19, 2011

Back in the saddle

I was determined that I was going to return to work within two weeks. Why? Because I am crazy and not a very good patient. Ok I suck at being a patient. Each day I made goals for myself and by the end of the two weeks the only thing standing in my way was driving my car.

I had talked it over with a friend who was willing to switch cars <hers is an automatic and mine is a standard> but I decided that sooner or later I was going to have to try to drive. I know I was told two weeks before I could drive but 1 week and 5 days is close enough.

It is strange that cleaning windows and vacuuming didn't scare me but driving my stick shift did. It might have something to do with the fact that if something happened I would be in a piece of metal hurling at possibly another car..vacuuming doesn't have those kind of consequences.

I decided I would start with driving around the block and then if all went well I would venture to the grocery store. I know..big plans...BIG. I breathed deeply and jumped in. I started the car up and played with the gears. So far so good...ok let's try motion.

I backed out of the driveway and felt no pain..hmmm. Drove around the block doing about 30kmph ..even old ladies were walking past me...but still no pain. I sped up...I was going to beat those walkers now...and headed out onto the open road...well more like a main artery but it felt like the three minutes I spent driving was like a get out of jail card had just been handed over. I was back in action!

Now this is not to say I didn't experience any pain and I probably would not have ventured too far on this day. I did make a couple of trips around town and even backed out <not into anything> of a spot. I did have to come home and rest my arm but all things considered I was on the mend. It is amazing how the thing you were most scared of turns out to be really nothing while something as simple as raising my right hand has been the biggest challenge. Mind you, this hasn't stopped me from asking a question or going to the bathroom...I am such a rebel.

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