I said at the beginning of this blog that I would hold nothing back, well I lied. I have been going through something so painful I don't even know where to begin. I am loosing my best friend. My husband and I have separated.
While I will not spread the full details across the internet I will say that at our wedding his mother read a poem about always having enough in your life. I had more than enough in mine, but unfortunately B does not feel the same way and therefore has decided to move on.
I am grateful for the 13 wonderful years we had together, all of the laughter and love, the good times and even the bad. He was my comic relief and I his. I could not have gone through my cancer without his love and support, which is what makes this break so difficult. He is truly my best friend and it is too painful to hold that friendship close at this time in order to heal and move forward in my life.
We built a home and life together and it is hard to imagine that torn apart as it is hard not to see him everyday and tell him funny things that only he would get. Like a Massachusetts license plate. My mother actual put it the best way I can say it. "He loves you, just not enough for the next 30 years".
Please excuse my blog absence while my heart heals.
Oh hon. I have no words to make it better but I'm sending you my love from the other side of the world. xx