It is truly amazing what a difference a year makes. This time last year I was just as happy as I am today. The difference is I was heading into my last radiation treatment with my skin falling apart and today I am back together but still have a slight tan in the radiation region. Over the past year I have concentrated on a healthy mind and spirit and this coming year is going to be continuing but adding in the healthy body part.
I have had great support from my family and friends and strangely from people I have never known before. I am not an emotional person but I do have
tears in my eyes as I think of all that I have been given in the past year and how truly lucky I am. Yes I have HAD cancer but I have one year down and many more to go.
I feel stronger than ever and have climbed to the top of the mountain. I have stood and paused for a moment to look out over the land and now I cannot wait for the next adventure to begin as I run towards the finish line.