All my life I wished for bigger boobs. When I was younger and a very late bloomer in the breast department, I was teased and called "Rosebud" for my lack of development. I would look at my mom and wonder why her double D's didn't happen for me. While other girls were getting training bras and some even getting real bras I sat longingly wondered when I would have a chance to have my bra strap slapped.
Well let me be the first to say bras are not all they are cracked up to wish for, let alone something to fill them. While I do not have (had) large breasts, I do OK. Actually after having a mastectomy was the first time I thought smaller breasts would be better for two reasons
1. V necks are no longer an option with the prosthetic
2. Less taken off
As I have gotten older (and wider) my breasts have continued to grow. Most women's breasts decrease in size when they have weight loss..but oh no..oddity alert...mine have stayed the same. Which is good and bad. Over the past year I have gone through some changes (ya think?) and you would think those changes are mainly over, but no! The breast Gods have decided to play a cruel joke on me and grant me my wish of increasing my breast size. This would be great...IF I HAD TWO!!!
Unfortunately only having one real and one plastic makes things difficult when the real one decides to grow...since the plastic one stays the same. This makes for a bit of a challenge getting dressed in the morning. Right now I have one which is normal looking and one that looks like it is deflating. It is hard to believe that one nonexistent boob can cause so much of an issue. Who knew that at the young age (hey the cancer dr.s called me young) of 41 that I would be stuffing my bra with what ever I can find to even things out. I thought about getting an inflatable boob but what if it breaks? Is looking like you are lactating worse or better than a boob fart?
I always try to look for the light at the end of the tunnel. After my latest phone call to the plastic surgeon to see where I am on "the list", I discovered that THIS June or July maybe my time..whoot boob(ies) here we come....maybe I should consider two brand new ones because my guess is that after the reconstruction they don't upgrade you for free.